Hillsville Va.
Lonnie Malcomb
Since 1988
Professional Striping & Stenciling Work

For the Best Parking Lot Striping In The Business

Asphalt Sealcoating and Striping
For driveways and parking lots.
The BIGGEST Mistake
You'll Ever Make with your asphalt !
New asphalt should be sealcoated 60-90 days after it is put down. Failing to do so, is the biggest mistake you'll ever make with your new pavement.
And, the best asphalt sealcoating.

And if some paving "expert" told you not to sealcoat. Please keep in mind that it is not in "his" best interest for you to sealcoat, and more than double the life of your asphalt. At a fraction of the cost or re-paving.
And according to experts, "that's" what sealcoating can do for your asphalt. More than double it's life.
It is a down hill journey from day one, for your asphalt.
When new asphalt is put down, it does not improve with age. On the contrary, it begins a downhill journey on day one.
According to the "real" experts, (not paving contractors), but the Asphalt Institute in Lexington Ky., "the accumulation of moisture in the pavement structure, is the number one contributor to pavement stress."
And here's another fact.... new asphalt takes water like a sponge.
And then, there's the sun.
Again, on day one, the sun begins to dry out and literally vaporize the asphalt binder that holds it together. That's why it changes color so fast.
New asphalt, remains pliable to some degree for month's after it is put down. Even while the sun and rain are working on it. That's why you don't generally see cracks for about a year. And paving contractors will usually guarantee it for about a year.
However, with the sun working on the outside, and water working on the inside, the asphalt slowly deteriorates and looses it's flexibility. And becomes more and more prone to cracking and crumbling.
So Let's Do The Math
If water starts working on the inside on day one. And the sun starts working on the outside on day one. Then, does it not make perfect sense to try and "protect" your asphalt sooner rather than later???
The Most Important Thing....................
That you can ever do for your new asphalt, is get a good coat of sealer down early.
And we're talking months, not years. As soon as surface oils have evaporated enough for the sealer to bond, "THAT" is when you should sealcoat.
By sealcoating in the first 3-6 months, you are protecting your "entire" investment, instead of just what's left after years of deterioration.

A Quality Sealcoat and stripes.
The yellow thing is an asphalt bumper stop.
Call ......1-276-733-8415

This insures the sealer goes on your asphalt, and not on your house.
I've been sealcoating asphalt since 1988. Quite a few years. And I'm still doing it because I've done the research, I've tried and tested the products, and I know what works.
But beware, all sealers are not created equal. There are as many different sealers as there are fly-by-nights putting them down.
And there are "many" ways to cheat in this business. So choosing a contractor with "decades" of experience, and an A+ rating with the BBB is a good place to start.
Ask around, and you'll find that Quality Sealcoat is the best name in the business.
So what are you waiting for, it's never to late to sealcoat. So call today for a free quote 276-733-8415
or email me at lonniemalcomb2000@yahoo.com